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Independence Day

“Bombs and pistols do not make a revolution. The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas”– Saheed Bhagat Singh

 India, also known as “Golden bird” in history- a land of resources, natural beauty, spirituality, great achievements as well as sufferings. It’s a civilization counted amongst the oldest of old, a land of sages, kings, emperors that attracted traders from around the world. Some came to enrich and some invaded India to suck the nectar from the flower. And we lost our wealth and freedom to these myriads of the invaders, from Alexander to Afghans and from Mughals to British. These occupiers exploited us, both economically and politically until we finally met the tryst with destiny on 15th August 1947. And since then every year on the same date we celebrate Independence day, one of the three major national holidays in India. The country on this day witnesses the overwhelming celebration from every nook and corner of this country. The tricolour flag of India is hoisted, engraving the feeling of patriotism in the hearts and minds of its citizens. On eve of independence day every year, the President of India addresses the nation with the speech putting forward the government’s agenda of development and showing views of the path travelled so far. On the 15th of August, the national flag is hoisted by the Prime Minister from the Red fort and 21-guns are shot in salute of the great events, and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country. The Indian national anthem ” Jana Gana Mana” is sung followed by parades and expos.

This year India will host its 74th independence day, and it is a well-known fact that our ancestors have paid a huge cost for this day. The first cry for independence was heard in 1857 and from then on started the march of Indians towards what they called ‘Kranti’( meaning revolution). Then came the huge wave of riots, bloodsheds, massacres, political movement, and few names in highlights such as Bhagat Singh, Mangal Pandey, Ram Prasad Bismil, Rani Laxmi bai, Assafhulla Khan, Dr. Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Mahatma Gandhi, B R Ambedkar and so on. These personalities changed the ideology of the fellow Indians and filled their heart with courage and patriotism. The brave hearts fought against the injustice that the Indians faced, even at the cost of their life. Therefore, Independence day commemorates the love, devotion, courage and patriotism of these brave hearts and also all those unsung warriors of history who sacrifice their lives in the battle for freedom. Today is the day when we can take out a few moments from our busy lives to salute and celebrate all the martyrs. 

Now also taking a look at the present scenario and situation of our country we can proudly say that we are free from all the bonds of external power and are happily enjoying democracy, but the other aspect to this is that the cold war of independence is still going on. Today we still have to set ourselves free from the rule of overpopulation, illiteracy, ignorance, corruption, stereotypes, and unemployment prevailing in our country. Now, these are so deeply rooted in the grounds that no individual force can uproot it, but rather it requires collective support from every citizen of India. Now a question may arise: how do we do that? Well, some preferred solutions to it may be: Following the rules and regulations of the country, by not giving or taking bribes, spreading awareness among people about how important it is to send their children to school. And most importantly giving preference on promoting the small scale industries of the land and many more such steps can be taken at an individual level and initiate the modern-day ‘Kranti’, as the poet said tiny drops of water makes a mighty ocean. 

Wishes from Inspiria TV

Inspiria TV wishes every Indian national and also all the Indians around the world a very happy independence day.  We wish them the bliss of peace, health, knowledge, and happiness in their lives and also cherish this day as a memoir that this freedom has cost us heavily, and it’s our moral obligation to safeguard it at all fronts. 

                                                                                   Jai Hind!

Contributed by:

Sejal Upadhaiya

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Independence Day

Independence Day-2020

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