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College Diaries – Character Introduction | Zoya

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She embraces imperfection

She embraces scars

She holds it with pride

Even if her own blood lied

She caged her life in a diary

She held her cheerful and happy face like a fairy

As a scar is a mark of pride to Zoya,

So is sometimes the flaws to Shreya.

“Believe in yourself & you will be unstoppable” The quote truly defines the character. We have Shreya Sarkar playing the role of Zoya Balakrishnan for College Diaries. Pursuing Media Science, she has always been passionate about acting and College Diaries seemed to her as the first step towards showing her acting skills. Being a confused and party lover girl in real life, led her to give the auditions for Zoya which suited her character traits. Trying her hands in almost every field and giving her best, she is all set to define the character of Zoya and win the hearts of people.


Yeshu Rajgaria 


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College Diaries – Character Introduction | Zoya

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