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College Diaries – Character Introduction | Amaira

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Twinkle in the darkness

Let no light hold me soft

Because she holds the frost

Twinkle in the darkness

Let no light hold me like a sheep

Because she holds no space to weep

Twinkle in the darkness

Let the light show her jerk

Because she is the candle who can defy the murk

Twinkle in the darkness

Let the light show her bold

Because she is the candle who can mould

Darkness will hide her fire

Because no light will see her black deep desire

Amaira lies behind the dusk and beyond the hills

Because Simran is that empty hole, she fills

Grasping every opportunity that leads to learning and growth, pursuing Media Science with dreams of travelling the world and discovering the varied aspects of it, we have Simran Dalai playing the character of Amaira Raichand in the upcoming production of inspiria.tv – College Diaries. She’s always up for challenges and experimenting new areas which led her to audition for this role along with another character in the web series. Inclined towards wanting to play the latter surprisingly she got higher points for the role of Amaira from the judges which came like a shock for her. Amaira’s character in the webseries is of a very intense personality who is seen all tough and mean from the exterior but is hiding the pain of a past memory deep within. A totally career oriented and ambitious young girl ready to take on any challenge that hurdles her path to success.


Yeshu Rajgaria


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College Diaries – Character Introduction | Amaira

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