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Republic Day

We must re-dedicate ourselves on this day to the peaceful but sure realization of the dream that had inspired the Father of our Nation and the other captains and soldiers of our freedom struggle, the dream of establishing a classless, co-operative, free and happy society in ‘his country’. We must remember that this is more a day of dedication than of rejoicing – dedication to the glorious task of making the peasants and workers the toilers and the thinkers fully free, happy and cultured.” -Dr. Rajendra Prasad

India became a sovereign, democratic and republic state with the adoption of the Constitution on January 26, 1950.This day is celebrated across the country with great enthusiasm. The Red For is decorated with flying tricolour and the Prime Minister hoists the mighty flag. The president of India presides over the parade to pay tribute to the martyrs who showed their bravery and sacrificed their lives.

India became a free nation on 15th of August 1947 and in order to lead the country in a more effective way and to make it sovereign within the span of three years Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, the chairman of the drafting committee of that time drafted the Indian Constitution.

The Indian Constitution is the largest and lengthiest written constitution in the world with 395 articles and 8 schedules.

It was that proud moment on 26th of January, 1950 when the constitution of India came into force.

Republic day isn’t just about hoisting flags, gathering together and celebrating it but also to know about why it was needed for our country to be a republic.

We, as humans, exist with a lot of emotions within us, which are different from each other and each emotion is special to us in it’s own way. One of them is Patriotism- devotion and love for one’s country.Being a part of this country we all have the feeling of patriotism towards our country. One does not need to go to the borders and fight with the foes to prove his love for the country or win battles and do something great but what’s needed for the country and can be done by all the people is abiding by the laws set for the citizen. Serving the country by being a true human is the best a person can do towards its country and countrymen. As, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in his book Discovery of India which is also named Bharat ek Khoj describes a true indian as “the one who loves the country, the people and everything that exists within it”. 

At the end here are few ways through which a Republic day can be honoured and celebrated:

  • Carry out a campaign which is needful in your surroundings and society.
  • Create awareness among the people regarding a topic you really think is important and needs attention.
  • Donate to the needy
  • Do something that makes your country proud of you
  • Be a better citizen and abide by all the laws set for you.

Wish you a happy and healthy Republic Day.

~ Ester Pariyar

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