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Set India Free from the Bondage of Pollution

India’s megastore of natural resources is gradually depleting as we belittle the gift of Mother Nature. The unsustainable growth, unplanned urbanization and industrialization have contributed significantly in degrading the environmental health. It is high time we realize the importance of a healthy environment and take steps to preserve it. As Margaret Thatcher quotes, “We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children.”

There are a number of challenges that the environment faces everyday:

•The contamination of air, land and water is directly related to the unsustainable growth of industries. India is home to 17 categories of highly polluting industries that are on the Central Pollution Control Board’s “Red List”.

•Even in agriculture, excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers are major sources of pollution and is hazardous to human health.

•In coastal zones, activities like marine fishing, disposal of plastic in sea beaches, coastal and sea bed mining is continuously threatening the aquatic life, mangroves, lagoons and terrestrial wildlife.

“Respect for nature is an integral part of our culture and has been passed across generations. Protection of environment comes naturally to us”.
These are the words of our Prime Minister Modi and he is working towards creating a “Green India”. In the current 13th Five-year plan, ‘Green’ is one of the five key principles. The plan aims to expand E-vehicle market and remove 4 million fuel vehicles from the road. Besides this, the other eco-friendly steps taken by our Prime Minister are: –

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which aims at cleaning streets, roads and infrastructures.

Clean Ganga Mission to clean the river Ganga.

•National air quality index to monitor air pollution in cities.

•Water Conservation projects to raise awareness about saving water.

We, as an individual should conserve our environment. According to the WHO, 7 of the 10 most polluted cities are in India. Not only is our environment deteriorating but it is also posing a threat to our lives. 12.5% of the total deaths are attributed to air pollution. Diseases like, asthma and cancer are getting common.

Planting of trees, using public vehicles, saving water and proper disposal of waste are a few steps to start with. We can create awareness about our environment, it’s grave condition and how we can save it, if we worked together. On this Independence Day, let’s all pledge to creating a greener, safer and pollution free environment.
Let Mother Nature breathe; set her free from the clutches of pollution.

Contributed by:

Ruchika Agarwal

Samiyo Dong

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Set India Free from the Bondage of Pollution

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